Hunger, by Oxford Dictionary is the state of not having enough food to eat, especially when this cause illness or death. Most of the world’s hungry live in developing countries. There are 925 million hungry people in the world and 98% of them are in developing countries (Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO). Most of them are consist instead of farmer, children and women. Asia and Pacific region have the highest value of hunger people proportionate with other continents such as Africa and Latin-America. Luckily, Malaysia is not included among another Asia's country that suffer for hunger.
Hunger peoples that waiting for some food. |
So, the question is what we should do to help ease world hunger?
1. We can join the organization that contribute hunger people around the world such as Breads for the World, action Against Hunger, World Food Programme and many else. Involve here doesn't mean that we join their activity going to help peoples in the countries that thousands of miles away, but we can help them with donate some money through the organizations.
2. If you don't want to donate through the responsible organisations, you can donate directly to the peoples that you know are suffer for hunger.
3. Do not waste our food, save for our future -indeed we have enough foods supply for the whole year- but just imagine if our country, someday, hit by drought or flood, and all crops are die. Luckily if we already save some food for this critical situation.
Okay that's all for what we should do to help ease world hunger. Actually I did not have much idea, but the important to help them is with our donation. What else we can do? Because they are suffer in the country that really poor with technologies; technologies that will improve their life quality.
Pulitzer Prize Winner killed Himself
Here I want to share with all readers about one true story about this photographer that killed himself after he won a Pulitzer Prize for one of his picture.
The photographer is Kevin Carter, a photojournalist from South African. He snapped the picture depicts of vulture stalking a starving girl, this happen in Sudan on 19993. The girl crawling towards an United Nations Food Camp, located a kilometer away. The vulture is waiting for the girl to die, so the vulture can eat it. When the girl move slightly forward, the vulture also follow the girl, step by step. Horrible right. Without help the girl, Kevin just left the place after the photograph was taken.
Pulitzer Prize Photo (1994) |
After 3 months he won the prize, on year 1994, he committed suicide due to depression when the whole world shocked with this picture and dispute why Kevin not help the girl and bring her to the camp. Nobody knows what happen to the girl until today, including Kevin.
Is that a big deal to bring the super skinny girl to a safer place?